Before & Afters
Alain came to our office with some missing & decayed teeth, looking for some hope to smile again. So with a great treatment plan and some patients we gave him that hope back. We restored and replaced what was needed in order to give him that smile back and the rest is history. Today he is forever grateful and smiles with confidence.
Daryl came to our office with a denture that he had for many years looking for a permanent solution. He tried implants once and they failed, so we offered him a permanent all porcelain bridge and he was delighted with the idea. Now he has no worries and a great smile.
Diana has been our patient for over 30 years now and recently had asked if she could improve her smile. So we offered her some different options. She decided she wanted something permanent with low maintenance. So we placed porcelain 9 crowns on her upper dentition.