Successful School Smiles

Successful School Smiles

Back to school means back to the dentist! Back to school dental visits should be part of the back to school routine. Did you know that dental disease causes children to miss more than 51 million school hours each year? That’s why it’s essential to schedule your back to school dental visit at MaDental & Associates before school begins. Here are a few suggestions for those perfect back to school smiles!

Ditch Dental Anxiety

Are you the parent who encourages your child to go to the dentist all the while you have dental anxiety? We know you, we see you, and we don’t judge you. We help smiles of all ages from your kids to you! It’s important to model for your children. They can sense change and read your body language, facial expressions, and more. Try your best to ditch that dental anxiety during their visit!

Habits & Routine

The best thing we can do as parents is to start brushing at a young age to promote good oral hygiene routine. Having a hygiene routine enables children to create good habits and good oral health – a winning combination. We recommend introducing a toothbrush as soon as that first tooth appears to create a positive relationship with brushing. Here’s a breakdown of different ages:

Six & Under:

The age where they want to do everything themselves.. even if they can’t, right? We get it! Allow your children to brush by themselves. It helps them practice good brush technique and gain that feeling of independence they crave. We do recommend following up their brushing with a brush of your own. Following behind children helps get those new teeth and hard to reach places that weren’t there a few months ago. Their mouths are growing so we have to encourage independence and simultaneously encourage optimal oral health!

7-12 years:

The age range where they should know what is expected of them and how to execute a task. They may be a little reluctant but this is where reminders are key. Reminder them about their oral health and why it’s so important to continue a good routine. As always, the monkey see monkey do adage still applies. If they see mom and or dad continuing these healthy practices it’s more likely they will follow suit!

12-18 years:

This is one of the most critical time for dental health. At this age children take on a new mantra

The “it won’t happen to me” belief. As this feeling of invincibility grows they begin to think that their teeth can’t be affected by their decisions. This means that children who have yet to have a cavity may think they can skip brushing here and there. As kids get more active in extracurriculars, school work, and social circles they tend to shorten flossing and brushing to make time. As parents it’s important to help them understand that these habits will carry over into adulthood. Continue to encourage them to make well informed dental decisions.



Schedule & Save

Time flies when you’re having fun! Between the birthdays, vacations, and barbecues dental visits seem to be all but forgotten. School season always sneaks up when we least expect it! This leaves many families trying to schedule in August which is one of our busiest months at MaDental & Associates dentistry. Make a note on your calendar to call the dentist the first day of summer break and schedule your appointment.

Get on their level

Children can get upset at their visit which leads to mom or dad feeling frazzled, or leaving altogether. Getting frazzled or leaving reinforces negative experiences at the dentist making the next visit much more challenging. It’s important to remember that having fears is understood and normal. Getting on their level and understanding their behavior at its core is essential. Try to determine if they’re acting out to cause a reaction, to get their way, or because they’re genuinely afraid.

At MaDental & Associates in Miami, Florida we work with you and your child to help make this experience memorable in the best way. We understand that there may be some anxiety and we’re happy to work through it with you! We want to work together as a team to make sure your child feels at ease, the teeth can be examined and cleaned, and so that your child wants to return.

Schedule your appointment with the Dentists at MaDental & Associates today to combat sensitive teeth!

Health Food for Healthy Teeth

Health Food for Healthy Teeth

The food we eat and the drinks we consume have a direct impact on our health but also our oral health as well! Do you have a sweet tooth? Partaking in sugary beverages and foods is a slippery slope that leads to serious conditions like tooth decay, which is a leading chronic childhood disease.

Plaque that lays in wait on the surface of our teeth is met with sugars from what we consume creates an acid that wreaks havoc on our teeth and can lead to tooth decay. The bad news? It can be very serious and sounds awfully scary. The good news? It can be preventable!

Preventing tooth decay starts with you. We have to be cognizant about our nutritional intake and limit the amount of sugary drinks and food we intake on a daily basis. It’s time to practice that out with the old for the over sugared treats and in with the new for lower sugar and better tasting snacks. Having a diet that is low in variety and lacking nutrients makes it challenging for your mouth to properly defend itself. If your mouth isn’t able to properly defend itself, it opens up to a variety of ailments including gum disease, which is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults.

Practicing good overall health while simultaneously practicing good oral health genuinely is one of the very best things that you can do for you and for your body. It’s important to be more mindful about the types of foods and drinks consumed and their sugar content. Eating a healthy diet that includes increased water intake, limited snacks, and increased vitamins and minerals will set you up for success!

Good oral hygiene is a little more in-depth than flossing and brushing twice every day. Give us a call or schedule your appointment today so that MaDental & Associates can help be the watchdog for your oral health, detect any issues and get ahead of the problem as soon as possible!

Schedule your appointment with the Dentists at MaDental & Associates today to combat sensitive teeth!

Five Simple Tips to Keep Your Teeth White in the New Year

Sideline Stain Causing Foods and Beverages

Have your favorite drinks or food been wreaking havoc on your teeth? Try sidelining your soda, coffee, tea or wine to eliminate teeth staining. We know it’s hard to break a habit, don’t worry there are alternatives! An alternative to eliminating stain causing food and beverages is to limit the contact of stain causing residue by drinking through a straw. If you are a smoker or chew tobacco make a resolution to your health and to your teeth for a better you in the new year!

New Year, New Brush

Have you noticed that your bristles are frayed on your toothbrush? That means it’s time for a change! Ditch the brush and bring on a new one. Have you been changing your toothbrush out every 3-4 months? Wow, you’re a pro! If not, never fear start the habit this year. Your toothbrush can host bacteria when you’re in perfect health as well as germs when you’re sick! Changing your brush can help avoid dull and discolored teeth.

Find Teeth Friendly Foods

New year, new you.. new teeth?  Okay okay, we get it! Your teeth may not be at the top of the list.. but a bright white smile is the best accessory! Adding healthier foods keeps your tooth enamel and bones strong as well! Are you looking for healthier snack alternatives? Try adding in apples, kale, nuts, cheeses and milk! Did you know that strong teeth are more stain resistant and hold up better over time? Another great teeth friendly old idea are crunchy veggies and fruit as they ramp up saliva production which helps eliminate bacteria buildup! 

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

You’ve probably never heard this.. but you really should practice good oral hygiene. Okay, we’re kidding!! We know you’ve heard this a million times, but that’s because it’s true! Brushing twice daily is the leading cause to a healthy and bright smile. Brushing aides in plaque removal and can prevent stains before they start! Don’t skip brushing your tongue! Bacteria can lay in wait on the surface of your tongue which can increase risk of discoloration.

Rinse Your Way to White Teeth

Another saying you’ve probably heard a time or two. The holidays typically bring sweets and we’re guessing you didn’t rinse after every delectable? That’s okay! Sometimes we get busy, forget, or don’t have water at hand. Pick up this new habit in the new year so you can treat yourself and your teeth! Rinsing helps dislodge materials from your teeth and prevent substances from staining them. 

Visit Your Dentist

Are you scared of the dentist? Good news is you’re not alone. Better news is that you shouldn’t be. We are here to help you and never judge a smile when we see one! We accept you and your teeth the way you are. Visiting your dentist every six months for your routine cleaning is the best and easiest way to keep your teeth clean, healthy, and white! And guess what! Insurance usually covers it!

Schedule your appointment with the Dentists at MaDental & Associates today to combat sensitive teeth!

Strategies to Help with Sensitive Teeth

Strategies to Help with Sensitive Teeth

Do your teeth stop you from eating a few of your favorite treats? Hot chocolate and ice cream shouldn’t be avoided just because your teeth can’t bear it. Teeth Sensitivity occurs due to exposed dentin. Exposed dentin reacts to temperature changes due to exposed tubules that house dental nerves. The dentists at MaDental & Associates can help you make the best decisions when it comes to sensitive teeth! Schedule your appointment easily today!

How to Choose the Right Toothpaste?

There are so many toothpastes to pick from, but which one is the right one? Walking down the aisle full of toothpaste can be overwhelming and downright challenging. Not all toothpastes are created the same and there are some toothpastes specifically engineered for sensitive teeth. This toothpaste is beneficial to sensitive teeth because it contains elements like potassium nitrate which, helps desensitize teeth by blocking the tubules holding the nerves. Additionally, fluoride needs to be an active ingredient as well so that the fluoride can rebuild enamel that is resistant to damage.

Oral Hygiene Routine

Oral hygiene shouldnt be taken lightly especially with sensitive teeth. Instead of putting off oral hygiene instead select a brush that has softer bristles in order to prevent any damage to the tooth enamel. Make sure not to brush too roughly either, because even with the softest of brushes a rough brush routine can still cause substantial damage. Lastly, when flossing between those teeth choose a softer floss to reduce tooth and gum discomfort. Brushing and flossing regularly will ensure that they stay in tip-top shape! Shying away from oral hygiene can cause the gums to recede away from the tooth which means more tooth exposure and a higher risk of sensitivity.

Do you Grind your teeth?

Are you often waking up with a sore jaw or headache? Are you wondering why your teeth may be wearing down each time you see your dentist? Its possible that you grind your teeth when you sleep, otherwise known as bruxism. Teeth grinding can lead to significant damage to teeth enamel. The best preventative measure for this is to purchase a mouthguard and inquire about one with your dentist. Using a mouthguard can prevent teeth grinding meaning less enamel damage and less stress on your jaw and mouth muscles which are required for functionality.


Acidic Beverages Can Make the Difference

A lot of factors can cause sensitive teeth, one of the biggest factors though is acidic foods and drinks. Your favorite beverages could be the ones doing the most damage. Coffee, wine, and soda are just some of the culprits that lead to tooth decay and cavity formation. Try to limit or omit acidic drink/food consumption entirely. We know its a lot easier said than done, so if you find yourself craving your old favorites try to incorporate a straw which will reduce the amount of contact the liquid has on the teeth. If you dont have a straw or if you are eating something acidic the best practice is to rinse and or brush after consumption.


Schedule your appointment with the Dentists at MaDental & Associates today to combat sensitive teeth!

The Impact of Tobacco on Your Oral Health

The Impact of Tobacco on Your Oral Health

You know that smoking is bad for your health, but do you know exactly how harmful the habit is for you? With over 15% of adults and nearly 20% of youth reporting to be current tobacco users, tobacco kills approximately 480,000 people each year in the United States alone. As 2 in 5 children are regularly exposed to tobacco smoke, it’s time to start taking the habit seriously.

Cigarettes and chewing tobacco are very harmful to your dental health. And while many of us know that tobacco products can cause bad breath, that’s only the beginning. Other potential oral health risks include the following:

  • Reduced sense of taste and smell
  • Stained teeth and tongue
  • Gum disease
  • Oral cancer
  • Tooth loss
  • Difficulty in correcting cosmetic dental issues

Even the use of smokeless tobacco products and exposure to secondhand smoke can all have a significant impact on your oral health. Children that have been exposed to tobacco smoke are at a higher risk for tooth decay.

Visiting your dental office can be an opportunity to screen for tobacco use and exposure while delivering an important message about protecting children and families from the effects of tobacco products.

Dental professionals play a critical role in identifying tobacco exposure as well as supporting cessation attempts. By helping smokers protect their children and families from harmful exposures, dental professionals are able to provide appropriate screening and resources for tobacco uses in as little as just a few minutes.

The majority of people who use tobacco, including cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, or chewing tobacco, picked up the habit in their teens. This is why educating and protecting our children from tobacco exposure is so important! Some habits, such as brushing your teeth twice a day, are great to keep. Other behaviors, such as smoking, can lead to a lifetime of addiction.

Quitting tobacco products is the only way to decrease your risk of all tobacco-related health complications. We recognize how addictive nicotine can be which is why it’s important to have a plan when you’re looking to quit. Identify your support network and write down your reasons for quitting to keep yourself accountable. Exercising, chewing gum, and keeping yourself occupied can help you remain successful in your attempts to quit. 

Talk to your dentist today about the impacts of tobacco on your oral health and which healthy habits can best help you kick your addiction to the curb! 

5 Signs That It’s Time to See the Dentist (And Where to Find One!)

It’s easy to let preventative health check-ups fall to the wayside. Family obligations, busy jobs, and demanding schedules can have your dental health sitting on the back burner- until a nagging symptom reminds you that it’s been a while since your last check-up. It’s important to remember that in-home treatments aren’t the same as making an appointment with a dental professional, but here are 5 things you can check for at home that indicate it’s time to visit your local dental office:


1. You Have Recurring Bad Breath

If you’re experiencing more than the typical morning breath, it might be time to schedule an appointment. Bad breath can affect us physically and mentally. It’s easy to worry that your breath is noticeable in social situations. Instead of living in fear of your bad breath, talk to a dentist to help identify the cause and find a solution.


2. You’re Experiencing Persistent Jaw Pain

Jaw pain can be caused by temporomandibular joint symptom (TMJ), which is estimated to affect close to 10 million Americans. TMJ causes severe, sometimes chronic pain in the jaw when performing basic functions like talking or chewing food. Jaw pain is never normal so make sure to make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.


3. Bleeding After Brushing or Flossing

While brushing too hard or flossing after a long hiatus can be to blame, consistent bleeding is something to talk to a dentist about. Bleeding gums are typically a sign that periodontal or gum disease is developing.


4. Your Mouth is Always Dry

A healthy mouth is well lubricated by saliva. If your mouth feels unusually dry, it could be a sign of illness. Saliva serves to wash away food particles and neutralize acids produced by plaque. A dentist will be able to determine the cause and find a solution to restore moisture to your mouth.


5. Bumps and Sores That Won’t Go Away

A common canker sore will typically clear up in a week or two. However, if you’re experiencing bumps or sores that aren’t healing or keep coming back, it’s time to make an appointment with a dentist.

Finding a Dentist:

Finding a dentist is much easier than you may think. Ask family, friends, or your current doctor for recommendations. The ADA also provides a list of local and state dental associations on their website to make searching for a dentist quick and easy.